Silver Bay is a Statutory Plan A city with an elected mayor and four council members, as well as an appointed City Administrator. The City conducts even year elections with a two year mayor’s term and staggered four year terms for council members. Appointed department heads are responsible for the efficient operation of their respective departments.

City Departments



 Airport 218.226.3542 218.226.4068
 Arena 218.226.4214
 City Hall 218.226.4408 218.226.4068
 Economic Development 218.226.4408 218.226.4068
 Fire Department Volunteer
 Golf Course 218.226.3111 218.226.4068
 Library 218.226.4331 218.226.3140
 Marina 218.226.3121 218.226.4590
 Parks & Recreation 218.226.4214 218.226.4068
 Police Department 218.226.4486 218.226.4487
 Silver Bay Lounge/Liquor Store 218.226.3106 218.226.4068
 Street Department 218.226.4552 218.226.4068
 Water Department 218.226.3663 218.226.3311