Project Summary

Silver Bay Public Library is working on building an addition to the current library and renovating the interior of the existing space.  The project will allow us to

  • improve accessibility by creating an entrance close to the parking lot and change interior elements for better ADA accessibility, 
  • replace our roof and other aging elements, and 
  • create small meeting rooms and a large classroom. 

This project focuses on holding a welcoming, safe space to gather, build community across differences, share stories and knowledge and foster community resilience.   This is a $1 million project which is funded almost entirely by grants.

Updated: 4/5/23

Project Updates

July 26th, 2024

This week the it has been all about the foundation. We the forms were removed, the waterproofing has been put in place as well as the insulation. Today they are starting to back fill our hole so that we can pour the slab next week (fingers crossed).

Photo Credit Phil Huston

We are starting to make changes to the inside of the library as well. Please pardon the shifting as we move books and tables and shelves to prepare for interior work that will be happening before we move to our alternate location.

The books aren’t gone just moved! This wall is going to be where our two new small meeting rooms will be. In the next couple of weeks we are going to move everything out of this space so the framers can put up the walls while they are here on site for the exterior walls.

Do the shelves look full? We really crammed in the books to make space for framing our two new meeting rooms.

July 17th, 2024

We’re working on the foundation this week. Thanks for a bit of a break in the rain!

Photo Credit Phil Huston
Photo Credit Phil Huston
Photo Credit Phil Huston

July 9th, 2024

Thanks Phil for these great areal photos! Phil is going to help us document the progress of the project with his drone!


July 1st, 2024

The entrance walkway has been improved! You can now keep your feet dry and clean as you enter. Thanks Nor-Son! The access is still narrow so if you open the door all of the way to get out you will have to wait for it to close to pass by.

June 30, 2024

Here is our first ariel photo courtesy of Phil Huston. Thanks Phil! We will get periodic ariel photos to mark our progress. We are excited to have the opportunity to document our project in this special way.

June 24, 2024

The main entrance is officially blocked off! See the two ways you can enter the library below.

You can access the library 2 different ways:

You can come in through the basement. The door will be propped open…there are stairs you must go up. This option is available 10am-4:30pm. After 4:30pm you must enter through Banks Blvd but you can exit via the stairs.

You can also access the library from Banks (even though it is a little muddy) we will be improving access from this entry point as the week progresses.

There are some signs of construction beginning! Today we moved the book drop. You can now find it on the sidewalk coming in from Banks Blvd. A port-a-potty for the construction workers was also dropped off this morning. A reminder, our Ground Breaking Celebration is going to be on Monday, June 24th @ 10:30am! Please join us 🙂 Also – remember that we will remain open this summer! You can park on Banks Blvd and enter via that direction.

May 31, 2024

We are excite to announce that the Library Renovation and Expansion is happening this summer! We are excited to be working with our architect, DSGW, and our contractor, Nor-Son. We will use this webpage and the Library Facebook page to stay up-to-date on project progress and any special instructions or closures during the project. The project is going to start in late June and the library will remain OPEN our regular hours during the initial phase of the project. One the project starts parking and access will be from Banks Boulevard. Through out the project we will occasionally need volunteers for different things. If you are interested let us know and we will add you to our list! Just give us a call – 218.226.4331.

We have raised over $1 million for this project and we want to put out a special thank to all our funders!

  • Minnesota Department of Education – Library Construction Grant
  • Iron Range Resource and Rehabilitation Board
  • Blandin Foundation
  • Otto Bremer Trust
  • Friends of the Silver Bay Public Library
  • Cliffs Foundation
  • Minnesota Power Foundation
  • Lloyd K Johnson Foundation
  • Victory Fund
  • American Library Association – Rural Communities Grant

Mark your calendars for June 24th at 10:30am! We are pleased to invite you to the ground breaking ceremony for the building project. All are welcome! Share in this momentous moment for our community!