Project Summary
$4.6 million has been secured to develop a Multi-Modal Trailhead Center at the rec center/ballfield site. The funds received from the State of Minnesota Legislature, LCCMR and the Federal TAP program, will be used to replace the aging rec building with new meeting space for the public to use, wayside rest facilities including coin operated showers, large light parking areas to accommodate larger vehicles and trailers, safe and separate access for both motorized users (ATV/Snowmobile) and non-motorized users (biking and hiking), and have new playground and picnic areas. The project is currently under environmental review, with design and engineering to follow. Estimated project completion date is 2024.
Funding for this project is being provided by the following organizations:
- Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR), in the amount of $2,970,000.
- State of Minnesota Capital Investment and Bonding, in the amount of $1,500,000.
- Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) through the Minnesota Department of Transportation, in the amount of $600,000
We thank Senator Grant Hauschild, Representative Roger Skraba, former Senator Tom Bakk, former Representative Rob Ecklund, and all other Legislators, Board Members, and Committee members who supported the funding for this project.
Last updated: 4/5/23