Interested in Serving on a City Board/Commission? The City needs volunteers!
The City of Silver Bay would like individuals interested in serving on various City Boards and Commissions to submit application. These Boards and Commissions are the working boards to recommend action to our City Council. Meetings are typically quarterly or monthly depending on the Board. There may be special meetings called, but are only on occasion. All you have to do is be committed to attending the meetings, engage in conversation, bring forth and be open to ideas, and be willing to work towards the betterment of our community. Please give City Hall a call for more information at 218-226-4408. Applications can be picked up at City Hall or can be downloaded by clicking here and are to be returned to City Hall, 7 Davis Drive, Silver Bay, MN 55614. There are currently vacancies on the following, but feel free to apply for any Boards or Commissions of interest. For a full listing, click here. Thank you for your interest!